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Windy City Lights carries various brands of commercial Christmas trees, garland, wreaths, etc. If you want everything to match, select your brand (Sequoia vs Olympia) and then choose your products. Our commercial grade foliage products are heavy duty and suitable for indoor/outdoor use. You can choose from a variety of sizes and choose between pre-lit/unlit foliage.

Giant Everest Commercial Tree

Foliage Product

Sequoia Fir Trees

Foliage Product

Olympia Pine Commercial Tree

Foliage Product

Sequoia Fir Teardrop

Foliage Product

Sequoia Fir Wreaths

Foliage Product

Olympia Pine Holiday Garland

Foliage Product

Olympia Pine LED Swag

Foliage Product

Sequoia Fir Garland

Foliage Product

Olympia Pine Wreaths

Foliage Product
Chicago Downtown Holiday Lights

Browse Commercial Christmas Lighting & Products

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